Nothing can be more frustrating than having a toilet on-the-fritz.  Whether it won’t flush, leaks, is cracked, or just plain needs to be replaced, getting the job done right and quickly is the most important thing. For the DIYer (do-it-yourself-er), we’ve compiled comprehensive guides intended to teach the ropes on how to fix, replace, repair, and even properly clean your toilet.

Guide: Removing a Toilet

In this guide, our resident toilet experts have done thier homework on the fastest, cleanest way to remove an old toilet (so that you can replace it with a new one).

Guide: Installing a New Toilet

Once your old toilet is removed, this guide will walk you through the steps of installing your shiny new throne.

Guide: Adjusting a Toilet Float

Sometimes, all a toilet needs is a quick adjustment to stop it from running all the time. Learn how to adjust a toilet float here.

Guide: Replacing a Toilet Flapper

Bad flappers are another reason that your toilet may be running. Learn how to diagnose and replace toilet flappers in this guide.

Guide: Replacing a Toilet Seat

Wobbly or broken toilet seat? No problem! Replacing your toilet seat is easy and this guide makes it even easier.

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