
noun : The study of toilets.

Researching, studying, and reviewing toilets since 1995!

Let’s plunge-in & flush-out toilet facts, history, conservation, repair tutorials, trivia, and more. Almost everything you ever wanted to know about your toilets! And probably a few things which you didn’t.

Toilets are important

Toielt Reviews

Toilets come in all sort of shapes and sizes and we’ve reviewed them all in our toilet review section. And while the toilet has innovated all that much in the past 100 years, there’s a lot to learn about different types of toilets, their uses, conservation and more. Join us for Toilets 101, you’re crash course into understanding there is to know about the modern toilet.

Toilets 101

Toilets come in all sort of shapes and sizes. And while the toilet has innovated all that much in the past 100 years, there’s a lot to learn about different types of toilets, their uses, conservation and more. Join us for Toilets 101, you’re crash course into understanding there is to know about the modern toilet.

Toilet History

Do you know who invented the toilet? Or the outhouse? Or toilet paper? Or the bidet? Well you’ve come to the right place! Step back into time to learn about toilets over the years.

Toilet Manufacturers

Who are the best manufacturers of toilets? Well, that depends on your style and functional preferences. And, whether or not you’ve got a talented plumber (toilet installation is getting more complex believe it or not!)

Toilet How Tos

Need to replace a your flapper? Or maybe you need to completely remove and replace a toilet in your home. Our expert tutorials are there to guide the way.

Water Conservation

As Earth becomes overpopulated and resources are spread thin, even toilets have an important role to play in conservation. In this section, we offer tools and resources to learn more about toilet, water usage, and conservation.

Recent Toilet Posts

  • Comparing Wall and Floor Mounted Toilets

Single Flush Vs Dual Flush Toilets

Is it time to purchase a new toilet? At first, the toilet buying process can seem daunting. With so many colors/finishes, styles, sizes, and specifications, it can feel like the right toilet is one [...]

  • Comparing Wall and Floor Mounted Toilets

Wall Mounted vs Floor Mounted Toilets

While looking for a toilet, it may seem simple. However, there are a lot of smaller parts to the toilet system that makes it quite hard to find the perfect toilet fit for your [...]