American Standard TOILET REVIEWS

The Best American Standard TOILETS

American Standard has been around since the invention of dirt (kidding) and not only manufacturers some of the best toilets, but also a full line of bathroom accessories. When it comes to toilets, American Standard offers a full array of toilets ranging in price and quality from economy to luxury, high-end smart toilets.

View our American Standard toilet reviews below.

Manufacturer: American Standard
Headquarters: Piscataway, New Jersey
Founded: 1929 (as American Standard Companies)
Toilets in Database: 9

Which is the best American Standard Toilet ?

Well, the best American Standard toilet depends on your needs and style preferences. We are partial to the various modern toilet designs (featured in the Cadet Series) but when it comes to quality, American Standard has you covered at just about any price point. Please review the American Standard Toilet reviews on this page to learn more.
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